iT Kenya Daily Paper

Friday, August 6, 2010

Google shutting down one of its app by end year...

Google Wave by end of 2010 it will be no more, most people haven't even realize its existence and is being axed..or is it people are too dummies to use it and thus those signed up to use it droped using it trigerring a mass withdrawal from it? In my opinion. I advice google not to shut it down complitely only put a pause on it as this is future of comunication, its just that the technology came too quickly and many users couldnt understand it to use it, with time it would pick up. blame it on Face book, twitter,msn, yahoo messenger and myspace..dominating internet communications.

So what is Google wave,..Google wave is a web-based service, computing platform, and communications protocol designed to merge e-mail, instant messaging, wikis, and social networking, all into one platform. Here you can chat REAL TIME with friends, check mail and network..You can also do daily planing for your meetings and activities in line for the day. To me, it is something that will help people balance their time spent on chatting and plans made for the day.. Trust me, people especially young people have been caught up spending long hours twitting forgetting to sturdy for their exam, or spend quality time with friends and family or complete some task..

Furthermore the people who designed Google Maps, the brothers( Jens and Lars Rasmussen) were the ones behind this. Meaning this is something..Google don't shut it down, improve it and that's iTkenyait.

For more information and registering to use it before it is shut down, hey by the way, you joining or signing up may give Google a second thought and maintain it..Common guyz..

Go here...Google Wave 

Have a nice weekend all..