iT Kenya Daily Paper

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Light-Driven Computer-How it works

The world is gearing into more advanced and super first gadgets, and today i got the chance to admire what is happening around IBM world.

Read on Courtesy of IBM:

IBM's Light-Driven Processor Courtesy IBM
The speed of light is as fast as it gets, and IBM researchers are exploiting that fact to give supercomputers a boost. They’ve made the smallest-yet silicon chips that use light to transmit information.
Most parts of the chip resemble those found on any other commercial chip. The parts that process or transform information—in other words, the parts that do the actual computing—still deploy electrons moving through semiconductor gates. But the interconnects, the lines that shuttle information between different areas within a chip, are drastically different. Instead of shuttling electrons, which can slow down significantly when the interconnects heat up, they shuttle light. That’s because light is easy to contain and loses less information as it travels. The researchers hope that this quick communication will make possible the first exascale computers—that is, computers that can perform a billion billion computations per second, 1,000 times as fast as today’s speediest systems.
One other benefit, says IBM engineer Will Green: The optical interconnects use significantly less power, making them cheaper to run. That’s particularly important given that supercomputers typically consume megawatts of power during operation. IBM, which has already made a working prototype, says a commercial version of the chip will debut in a supercomputer in around 2018.
Optical Microprocessor How It Works
Click the image above to see inside IBM's optical microchip as it turns electrical pulses into light and back again. If you are unable to view Flash files, click here for a static version. Illustrations by Aaron Newman; Flash Design by Josh Rashkin

And I conclude, where we are heading is far much important than where we are now, The future is created 'now'

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Uceprotect is not a reputable blacklist site

Being a system administrator you need always to put your ears on the ground and not just follow the usual trend. The other day, one of the gateways IP Address got blacklisted, according to them, our mail server or one of the network computers was spamming. IT was that time you go around 30 computers to figure out which one is spamming, after whole the exercise you discover that none is.I again made several requests to get white listed but in vain.

However, I did found out that Uceprotect is not a reputable blacklist site, at the end of wanting to get whitelisted, I was told to pay for it. This provoked me to dig deeper on my research and truly discovered that Uceprotect is a fake blacklist site and it just want to make money by blacklisting several IP Addresses that have a repetitive Internet activity, it doesn’t check if this activity are Legit or are coming from trusted sources
The Best solution was to get hold of your I.S.P and let them deal with it, and for sure it saved me lot of a hustle.

So how does one get blacklisted, well iTkenya discovered that:
     •If your Exchange  Server is configured to act as an open relay, it means that spammers can pass spam     through your mail server in route to its final destination. So all spam that appears to your recipient will appear coming from your domain.
     •Spammers need to keep their identity concealed, so they make up e-mail addresses every time they send out spam, this email address can be created using your domain
    •An IP address is typically blacklisted either because it is associated with a server that is acting as a mail relay, or because a spammer is spoofing the IP address.

And how does one avoid this
    •Make sure you have correct IP address mapping
    •Make sure your mail server is not configured as an open relay
    •Always Run Antispyware and scan your computers to free them from viruses and malwares

Very Important

How to test if your server is configured to act as an open relay
Open Relay Test

Related Site

Good Luck