I am having an issue with that mail server OS, for some reasons, each time the server restarts, maybe from power failures, mails don't get delivered to emails accounts, they queued up and that's when phone calls starts screaming on my desk, Arthur Simiyu a software developer sort out this.
This is what happened, may help you IT Administrator at one time: ( Error was Connection failed)
- Download putty from here
- Open putty and fill in the server IP Address
- On the Terminal login with your account details
- Then with your root password
what follows should be this
[root@mail ~]# /etc/init.d/amavisd restart
you will get Shutting down mail Virus Scanner ( amavisd): [FAILED]
Starting mail virus Scanner ( amavisd): [OK]
[root@mail ~]# telnet 10024
when it tells you are connected and gives you ESMTP amavisd-new service ready,
Then you are ok, check your mail queue, you will see it delivering
back to putty, hold Ctrl and this key (..]..)
telnet> Close
close putty
If you still got problems and gives you connection fail, then type
[root@mail ~]# /usr/sbin/amavisd press enter
[root@mail ~]# /etc/init.d/amavisd restart
you will get Shutting down mail Virus Scanner ( amavisd): [OK]
Starting mail virus Scanner ( amavisd): [OK]
This will sort out the issue temporally at-least till the next restart. Meaning there is something which is making amavis fail, either a hardware issue or the Perl package Net::Server.
Let me dig dipper. monitor the server, research and tell you more
***Amavisd is the module responsible to scan mail for prostfix to deliver it.
Enjoy the rest of the day
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